Consider who is around you

Surround yourself with people doing what you most want to do and are successful at it.

Look at your social group. Do the people you spend the most time with seem happy and successful? Or are they still doing what they have always done and are they stuck? What are you getting from these people? Do they lift you up and support you doing things that are good for you? Do they work toward self-improvement? Are they successful and helping you to be successful also? If you could create a group of friends that are your dream team, what would they be doing? Who would they be? How would they look? How would they be giving back to society? What do they do for fun? Where do they live, work, recreate? How would they support you?

If you are struggling to understand how those around you affect you, find a competant therapist to support you through those changes.

Karen Van Acker LPC LLC


Clean out your space


Counseling In Salem Oregon