Thinking about thinking # 2

The second part of the series on thinking errors.

6. Magnification: You exaggerate the severity of your problems and shortcomings. Or you minimize the importance of your desirable qualities.

7. Emotional reasoning: You assume that your negative emotions reflect reality. " IE "I am angry, therefore I must be an awful person"

8. Should statements: You tell yourself that things "should" be the way you expect them to be instead of how they actually are." should" tend to punish the person they are directed at. It is best not to have to strict a set of expectations.

9. Labeling: This is an extreme form of all or nothing thinking that is irrational and can lead to anger, frustration and low self esteem.

10. Personalization and blame: This is a form of self blame for situations that are out of your control. Some people use this toward others expecting them to "fix" problems they did not create.

     Adapted from the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center


Thinking about thinking: Patterns of cognitive distortions


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