What I love about working with therapists

Therapists are a breed all of our own. We offer the gifts of love, acceptance, and understanding to those in our care. Therapists are often the first people to offer these gifts to our clients.

Therapists are often under or over-estimated in their ability to be compassionate. For a therapist to be able to help, they need to have done the deep work that is not generally the norm in the greater society. Those of us that work in the field and have education in higher learning have to go through rigorous training to understand our own shadow selves. The shadow self is that deep part of ourselves that we do not always see. those things about ourselves that may be unacceptable in the outer world and typically hidden from our regular life. Our ability to reflect on and accept our inner selves allows us to teach others to do the same.

So if we are all so capable why do we need our own therapists?

Well, we are humans.

We experience life at the speed of life just like everyone else. We have difficulties, drama, bills to pay and the complete overwhelm of those things we did not anticipate or prepare for. We often feel shame and are self-critical because we can not fix our own problems. This will lead to burnout and a set of dysfunctional circumstances that prevent us from using our gifts well.

Everyone needs someone that we can trust with our deepest selves.

I love to work with therapists because I have been entrenched with those of us that are sick for a long time. I have been through life’s challenges due to my own growth edges and have figured out ways to grow through them while providing healthy therapeutic support to clients.

If you are a therapist that has been looking for someone that gets it, Give me a call.

Teletherapy in Salem Oregon




New year new beginnings