A new era

So I figured I would write about my experience with all of the changes I’m going through in just one week.

First of all I got sick. Then I had to magically take my practice online and shut down my office to clients.

I’m ok with that because I have been working on taking my practice online for about three years. There is a lot to learn quickly though when a pandemic arises, I’m finding out. I had several options for teletherapy in place but with over 2500 people going on the sites daily, of course, the systems became overwhelmed. Not to worry, I’m crafty and adjusted to the situation like all trained therapists. I signed up and have been completing a very big training on telehealth and HIPAA compliance since last Friday. I’m not done but almost. Lots to learn. I have updated forms, added payment systems, and checked in with all of my insurance payers for suppers. My clients seem to love the different formats due to their availability.

I wasn’t supposed to leave the house except for emergencies because I was contagious. I was mostly dutiful but I wore my mask the few times I left the house.

The world will not be the same after this passes and I am glad. We have been working with a system that hasn’t worked well for a long time.

I feel big adjustments coming. I am watching business grow quickly and I believe we will have a new way of interacting with each other in every area of our lives.

I have learned that if we lean into the fear and trust that it is teaching us something, we will grow exponentially during this process.

I am excited to be living during this time because it will be a historically documented time of mass change in human history. I get to watch. Some people will not understand this but I am an anthropologist by nature and watch humans from a scientific standpoint. I will continue to support clients, friends, and family through this process with love and care.

Many blessings Namaste



If I could interview one person in the psychotherapy field Who would it be?


Therapist's friend