Mental exhaustion and what to do about it.

According to Better up. Com , mental exhaustion is defined as : feelings of extreme tiredness , characterized by other feelings including apathy, cynicism and irritability.

In my practice I see a lot of people suffering from this form of mental exhaustion. Life has become so complicated it has caused a great many of us to struggle with this. Too many choices, obligations, fears, etc.

When was the last time you got to just live and not worry about the future or some other concern?

So what can we do about it? Well, that depends. Each of us has a set of values that need to be considered when taking a deep look in to our discomfort. Often our discomfort comes from some expectation we developed from our childhood or young adult experiences. For instances, if you grew up in poverty or just lower income you may have developed values that include having lots of money and stuff. If you grew up in a hording household having a lot of stuff can be very anxiety provoking . If your household didn’t feel safe growing up you might develop a value of protecting yourself and others.

Mental exhaustion often comes from us trying to keep up with those values to a level that isn’t humanly possible, just so we can feel like we have arrived.

Taking a hard look at why we have the values we have and deciding if they are lining up with who we are and what we want today is imperative to sustaining mental health.

Simplifying our lives to include only those things, people, and situations that bring in what we truly value can realign our mental health.

Consider your own life today with regard to your values. Do they match up with who you are right now? Is there something you need to change?

Many blessings on your journey



Learning to let go


ADD the source of much confusion