Personal bill of rights

I have the right to . . .

  • Ask for what I want

  • Seek and accept, or decline, help without undue shame, guilt, or anxiety

  • Say no to requests or demands I can’t, or don’t want to, meet

  • Express all of my feelings, positive or negative

  • Change my mind at any time

  • Make mistakes and not have to be perfect

  • Follow my own values and standards

  • Not do anything when I feel I am not ready, it is unsafe, or it violates my


  • Determine and honor my own priorities

  • Not be responsible for others’ behavior, actions, feelings, or problems

  • Expect honesty from others

  • Feel angry towards someone I love

  • Discover and know my Child within

  • Be myself and be good enough

  • Nurture, love and value myself as much as I do others who are important to


  • Feel scared and say, “I’m afraid”

  • Say, “I don’t understand”

  • Not to justify myself

  • Make decisions

  • My own needs for personal space and time

  • Be spontaneous and playful

  • Be healthier than those around me

  • Be in a non-abusive environment

  • Make friends and be comfortable around people

  • Change and grow

  • Have my needs and want to be respected by others

  • Be treated with dignity and respect

  • Pursue the paths and goals I wish to in my life

  • Respectfully tell people when their behavior is affecting me

  • Be happy


Over coming


healthy boundaries