Unearth your inner passion

“The most terrifying thing is to accept one’s self completely.”

Carl Gustav Jung

When was the most positively memorable time of your life? What were you doing? What were you wearing? Who was there? What were they doing? How did that make you feel?

When was the most negatively memorable time in your life? What were you doing? Who was there? What were you wearing? How did it make you feel?

When you look at these instances, what was there? What was missing? Where do the two intersect? the intersection of the two is where you can find the values. People and things that were positive in those instances are valuable to you. These are valuable people and things may need attention in your life. Take time today to see how your values are present in your life and make the changes you need to include them.

Counseling can help you identify personal values and how to apply them to your life.


Find a competent counselor that can help you.

Karen Van acker LPC LLC


Increase the positive voices in your life


What are Your values?